Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Take on the Debate

I poured myself a scotch and water and watched the debate. McCain seemed almost sane for the first several minutes but returned to his usual incoherent ramblings in short order. He made a lot of funny faces and blinked about a zillion times. Never blinks, my ass.

Joe the Plumber might be the only vote McCain secured with his performance last night. Joe, an employee at a small plumbing company, makes over $250K? Really? He must be putting in a lot of overtime. If he makes that much, then I don't feel too bad for him if he gets a tax hike.

I turned off the TV before the pundits started telling me what I had just seen and heard. I saw John McCain looking like a half wit next to Barry O'Bama who never lost his cool. Of course, he wasn't going to do anything to make it look as if he was beating up on a crippled old dude. O'Bama tried to stick the issues. McCain, not so much. He came off as a whiner and unstable.

O'Bama was poised and won my admiration for his strategy of attempting to appear as if he wanted to show the American people where he and McCain differed on the issues. He knew McCain would never let that happen. Issues are not McCain's strong suit.

What do I think of O'Bama's positions? Not much, but I reckon that of the two men on stage last night he is a lot less likely to get me killed or to kill other people needlessly or to accelerate our progress toward a police state.

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