Friday, October 10, 2008

I Fear a Lot of Things, Especially Fear Itself

I'm freaking out a little. Palin/McCain seem to be trying to incite a race war or to turn the so called "Culture War" or "War on Christmas" into an actual shooting war. Sadly, in my case, it will be a re-enactment of the brother against brother conflict of the war to prevent southern secession, because plenty of my kinfolk and in-laws are slack jawed yokels without the good sense that God gave a duck. On the other hand, many of these folks will be too liquored up to act on their violent impulses. The danger is that all it takes is one Palinite nutzoid suicide bomber to get "lucky".

On Sunday, the title of the sermon at my church is "Jesus for President". I have a queasy feeling that this could well be the day that I discover that a lot of my fellow churchgoers are Christianist nutcases or that my church endorses the state as a matter of principle. There is a discussion afterwards, and I am debating on whether to participate. If the sermon passes muster, I may not want to risk having the discussion destroy the illusion that my co-religionists are not mostly gung ho for Caesar. I have been tiptoeing around the topic for several years. On the other hand, perhaps I should air my seemingly radical anti-state views and see how they are received. They flow from my religious beliefs and are, to that extent, principled. I like the choir and lots of folks in my church, and I dread having to disassociate myself on this issue. I may be worrying over nothing.

The good news is that I failed in my program to become physically fit and svelte and that I am as fat as ever. If there is famine in the postapocalyptic dystopia, I am set. What seemed like shameful gluttony at the time will look like wisdom and prudence in hindsight. I packed it on in the years of prosperity and will be able to ride out the lean times. Mrs Vache Folle, on the other hand, is doomed. She imprudently maintained a high state of physical fitness as if the times of plenty would never end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like you have a substantial educational opportunity on your hands. Hope you can make the most of it!