Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Anonymous Douchebag Finds Acorn!

In my last post about how I was undecided about whether to vote in the primary, an anonymous douchebag posted the following comment:

"You're a complete idiot.

I'm sure you can pick out the not-so-subtle red-flags of hypocrisy.It's almost like there's a record full of incomprehensible bullshit playing in your mind 24/7, and you put the needle down randomly and whatever it picks up, you just type it up and post it on this blog.

( Because I'm more than certain you're a complete philistine, please be sure to note, if you recognize the aforementioned statement, I'm sure you are know a certain individual by the alias of "maddox". And if you know who maddox is, then I'm sure you know how strikingly similar your writing is, in both attitude ( aside from the fact that you're a complete defeatist pussy ) and candor. )

10:11 AM

I'm not sure what it was about my post that pissed off Mr Anonymous. Was it that I shouldn't vote because it would interfere with my own feeble long shot write in candidacy? Was it that I need to throw away my vote and send a message? For the record, I swung by the polls and pulled the lever for Ron Paul. Was it that I referred to Romney and McCain as douchebags? I guess I'll never know.

I don't know who "Maddox" is. I don't know what the hell Mr Anonymous is talking about. It's true that my mind is 24/7 full of incomprehensible bullshit and that this blog is pretty stupid most of the time, but it's free and you don't have to read it.

I bet Mr Anonymous is Eric Dondero or very much like him.

1 comment:

iceberg said...

Maddox- http://maddox.xmission.com/