Friday, February 22, 2008

MegaDisasters for Entertainment

I'm telecommuting today and have had the History Channel on all morning. I'm on my third or fourth episode of "Mega Disasters" on top of some alarming documentaries about oil. I conclude, based on what I have learned, that we are all doomed. It's too late to stop climate change, and we're going to run out of oil sooner than we think. We're going to have to switch to some other energy sources, and that really smacks of effort.

The documentaries seemed to call for centrally planned solutions, but I reckon that products that compete with oil will pop up as soon as they become profitable. Central panners' support for the oil industry has probably postponed these developments already and set the stage for a transition that will be much more painful than it ought to have been.

As for climate change, we'll just have to adapt. We made it through the last Ice Age, and we'll make it through this one, too. Not all of us, of course, just those of us who are lucky. In New York, we can look forward to a climate that is more like Nome's. Of course, an ice age might not be triggered, in which case New York City will be more like Venice. Canal Street will be aptly named then, let me tell you. Tribeca will be aquatic. Instead of tour buses, there'll be tour barges. The subways will be underwater. If the city even exists, what with a megatsunami's being likely to wipe it out, or a super-hurricane, or a volcano.

Maybe if we are smart, we can offset global warming with the effects of nuclear winter.

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