Monday, February 11, 2008

Who You Calling "Polarizing"?

I treated myself on Friday to the country morning breakfast at Cracker Barrel (eggs over medium with thick bacon), and I was stuck reading USA Today. In the letters to the editor was that "Hillary is a polarizing figure" meme, supposedly from an Obama supporter. What a crock of shit. Hillary Clinton is no more "polarizing" than any other candidate. The folks with the pathological Hillaryphobia are already "polarized". They are so "polarized" that when they look out their windows and see a bear, the bear is always white. They have taken up residence in the hollow earth and live in their own reality up at the pole, that's how "polarized" they already are. It's the hot air from their bloviating that is melting the ice caps. Hillary Clinton can't get them any closer to their polar habitat. Not one of those "polarized" wankers would ever vote for a Democrat under any circumstances.

But, you might argue, if you insist on being wrong or are just argumentative, Hillary can "energize" the wingnut base of the GOP in a way that the presumptive GOP candidate cannot. They'll get excited and work their wingnut asses off to defeat her and deliver the White House to McCain, whom they supposedly loathe. Are you kidding me? The wingnuts aren't going to sit the election out, and they are going to show up for the GOP no matter who the candidate is on either side. If the Democratic Party nominated Jesus Christ Himself as its candidate, the wingnuts would vote against him in droves, especially if he insisted on that message of love and peace. The wingnuts always make noises about abandoning the GOP, about how the GOP candidate isn't crazy enough, about how they want a candidate who will establish an immediate theocratic authoritarian dictatorship or they'll stay home and pout. It's never going to happen. They're going to back the GOP as the lesser of evils, in their bizarro conception of good and evil, and nobody the Democrats nominate is going to make them stay home or, heaven forfend, vote for a Democrat.

I don't believe that there are a whole lot of people in the middle, the Morons in the Muddle that decide the elections, who are particularly phobic about Hillary Clinton and who will flee to the GOP to avoid her. Especially since McCain has embraced the legacy of GW Bush and has had to pander so much to wingnuttia and won't be able to distance himself from the Bush Disaster in the general election, it will be harder for the GOP to demonize Hillary Clinton. And the GOP will work just as hard to demonize anyone the Democrats nominate.

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