The men in my family have a distinguishing feature. Each of us, almost without exception, has a highly prominent mental eminence. One uncle has such a powerful mental eminence that he is known affectionately as the “man in the moon”. This gives us an edge in changing pillow cases, but it confers no other social advantage. I submit, however, that prominence of the mental eminence is a hallmark of an advanced evolutionary state. Look at the chins, or absence thereof, on our hominid precursors.

The australopithecines were chinless.

Homo habilis could not change a pillow case if his life depended on it.
I scoff at the puny chin of Homo erectus. He tamed fire, but he was helpless in the face of an uncovered pillow.

Neanderthal was an evolutionary dead end. I blame the weak chin.
Cro-magnon had a chin you could rest a spoon on.
See the clear trend.

The more prominent the mental eminence, the greater the mental acuity. I predict that the men of my family will one day be recognized as the next step in human evolution: Homo bigchinensis.
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