Monday, May 08, 2006

I Love Marijuana

BK Marcus is anti-moderate when it comes to core principles.

I am a Georgian (although I live as an ex-pat in New York), and the motto of my state is “moderation in all things”. That seems to be paradoxical. Wouldn’t it be more moderate to practice moderation in “some” things? Being moderate in “all” things seems extreme, not moderate.

BK also takes the pro-drug stance. That is, he not only tolerates drug use; he might even approve of it I agree in that I feel very strongly that the world would be a better place if more people smoked pot more often. BK and I were both drug free in our youth. I was so taken in by anti-drug propaganda that I regarded the ingestion of recreational drugs as permanently polluting. I didn’t even try marijuana until I was a senior in college, and I immediately regretted the wasted years of abstinence.

I knew some folks for whom pot was their ruination. They woke up to a bong hit and stayed real stoned all day, skipped classes, flunked out of school. I reckon these guys would have been drunks if they didn’t have pot. Most folks I knew who enjoyed pot managed to do so while keeping up with their obligations and ambitions. Their use of pot was similar to their use of alcohol. This was a case where moderation was a virtue. For my part, I have always made it a point not to be drunk or stoned while driving or at work or in church or at funerals or in most places outside my home or appropriate social settings.

In fact, since I left AU over twenty years ago, I have had very little pot. I have certainly missed it, but the risks associated with buying and possessing illegal drugs have always been too great. I could not afford to get arrested, so I pretty much gave up pot, except when someone offered me some socially. Of course, I had it in Jamaica, and if Mexico had legalized pot I would have vacationed there often. If pot were decriminalized where I live, I would grow it in my garden and use it regularly, possibly every day.

Pot is wonderful. Its effects are much to be desired. It is inexpensive, and it lasts a good while. It does not seem to be addictive, and it is much less harmful than alcohol. You don’t pass out or vomit if you have a lot of pot, and you can still control your body. For me, everything is a lot funnier when I am high, and I am able to think about things from unusual perspectives. The best thing is to be high with other people and have bizarre conversations. Also, I have never known anyone who was a “mean” high. If anything, people are more amiable when they are stoned on pot than when they are sober or liquored up.

I have known a few stick-up-their-rectum people who were transformed in part by pot. Some folks don’t take pleasure in anything, and this causes them to resent anyone who does. Pot can loosen up their neglected pleasure centers and awaken them to the possibility of removing the stick. In my opinion, everyone should try pot.

I don’t advocate this position with the kids in my life, because I don’t want to interfere with their parents’ preferences. If asked, I will be honest about the risks and rewards. I certainly won’t condemn them for smoking pot or freak out if I find pot in their belongings when they visit. I wouldn’t rat them out to their folks.

Pot is entirely good. I can’t think of anything bad about pot that is not an artifact of its illegality.

Why do the anti-pleasure fascists want to stand between me and my pot? Do they think that civilization will come to a stop when the pot heads abandon everything for a perpetual high? I am pretty sure that it is the perfection of virtual sex that will lead to the end of human progress, not pot.


Unknown said...

"I am pretty sure that it is the perfection of virtual sex that will lead to the end of human progress, not pot."

Two comments on that:
1. I think the reason why some anti-drug conservatives don't get that is precisely the "stick" factor you mentioned before.
2. I'm perfectly ok with that. The point of progress is to make life better, not for it's own sake. Which is something else a lot of conservatives don't seem to get. (or liberals for that matter)

Steve Scott said...

Genesis 1:29

Vache Folle said...

There you have it. Biblical authority for "herb" appreciation!

Steve Scott said...


Hey, that should be a bumper sticker.