Here’s Capri with Mrs VF:

He is a great dog, and I would seriously consider adopting him myself if we didn’t already have a full house that included Jesse, who is most unwelcoming to newcomers. He comes off as excitable, but that’s because he gets very little attention and exercise. I have no doubt that a couple of weeks as someone’s pet would calm him down considerably. He is smart as a whip and motivated by play and snacks.
If anyone knows of a home in need of a pit bull (and what home doesn’t need one?), I offer Capri for their consideration.
Please realize that giving away pitbulls for free is about the same as writing them a death sentence. People looking for fighting dogs or bait dogs ALWAYS look for free dogs. It'd be more responsible of you if you had to take them to a pound. At least there, if they had to be euthanized, it would be humane, and not by them having their skin torn from their bodies by other dogs and suffering horrible painful deaths. Please think about this before posting free animals.
"We are responsible forever to what we have tamed.”
I would love to adopt a girl because mine passed away on me a week ago, I live in bristol virginia so i dont know if you all would do anything for me, But if you can, please contact me at Thanks,
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