Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Leave Bristol Palin Be!

Bristol Palin is a 17 year old human being who has every right to have sex with anyone she wants to. She can decide to have unprotected or imperfectly protected sex, and she can get pregnant. She can then decide whether to go through with the pregnancy or to terminate it. Then she gets to decide whether to keep the child or put it up for adoption. She doesn't need anybody's permission. Is this a great country or what?

That Bristol's mother is a politician and McCain's choice for Veep should not be made Bristol's problem. Barack O'Bama agrees with me on this. John McCain, whose campaign leaked the news to Reuters, may not agree. His nutzoid base may not agree.

Maybe Palin ought to have considered how this would play out for her daughter, what with her being a nutzoid anti-sex scold herself. If it were me, I'd have passed on the VP thing. Then again, if I had gone into labor with a special needs child, I wouldn't have rushed back to Bumfuck, Alaska to give birth. I'd have called Jerry Springer, because I'm a man. Of course, if I weren't really pregnant, which is likely because I'm a man, I wouldn't want to have my fake birth among strangers who couldn't be relied on to keep my secret.

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