Saturday, September 06, 2008

I Am Good Enough

Mrs Vache Folle chides me for my inability to accept myself for who I am. The running narrative in my mind is one of regret, self recrimination, and failure. I can turn anything into an opportunity to fail by setting unrealistic goals that I will not be able to meet. Then I will ignore what I actually accomplished and focus on what I failed to do.

I attribute all my successes to luck and all my failures to my own flawed character, when I should be doing the opposite like most people do. Here's my new mission statement: "I succeed and add value to the universe because of my character, and I fail because of my circumstances. I take credit for good outcomes and shift the blame for bad outcomes to others. I have always done the best I could have done under the circumstances at the time. If God had intended for me to be a better person, He would have made me one."

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