Sunday, September 14, 2008

Country First?

I saw that McCain has a slogan "Country First", and I wonder what it means. Does it mean that the country, i.e. the state, should have first priority in every subject's life? Before family, friends, church, God, self interest? I assume that this is the case since whenever McCain talks about the country, it seems to me that he means the state, not some other abstraction. He reckons that his military service was service to his country, ergo country equals state to McCain.

Country first means that the state is above criticism, especially when it is doing what it does best, killing people and destroying things or threatening to do so. We shoud each ask ourselves in all that we do how we can serve the state better and more fully in thought, word and deed. How can we support those ultimate state servers, the military? In a sense, we civilians exist solely to support the military with our treasure and our young people. Maybe I'm reading too much into the slogan.

Maybe I'm not. Since so many authoritarians comprise the right wing base of the GOP and since it seems that they are calling the shots, we should expect the GOP to be the party of subservience to the state. Isn't it true that the right wants to regulate every aspect of culture and society so as to make them conform with their view of how folks ought to live and think? Isn't it true that they have selected control of the governmental apparatus through control of the GOP as their means of achieving their agenda? In that case, "Country First" could mean that taking the country is just the first goal, that the world comes next, and then the work of controlling all of us can begin in earnest.

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