Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I'm Pissed to be Passed Over for Veep

My foreign policy credentials are way more impressive than Sarah Palin's. I have been to Canada many times as well as to Mexico. I have spent time in the Bahamas, Barbados, Turks & Caicos, Jamaica, Martinique and St Vincent and the Grenadines. I've been to Peru. I have visited Spain, England, Scotland, Wales, Poland, and Slovakia. I visted Portugal (Madeira) and Morocco.
I had a couple of hour layover in Frankfurt, but I didn't leave the airport. The same goes for Haiti.

Mrs Vache Folle has been to even more places including much of the former Soviet Union.

In all these places, I spoke to people about their concerns and dreams and felt their pain. I ate their food and ogled their women.

I went to The American University which, despite its name, is lousy with foreigners, many of whom I befriended and with whom I spent many hours stoned and speaking freely about international affairs. Lots of my friends majored in international affairs.

I read a lot and have an atlas that I look at often.

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