Thursday, March 20, 2008

Stuff I've Been Thinking About

I thought BHO's big speech was right on the money. As Jon Stewart put it, BHO talked to America about race "as if we were adults". Some of my conspecifics apparently didn't get it and don't understand why black people might be angry. Seriously. My conspecifics' ancestors almost died when their tater crop failed, and you don't hear them whining about how hard they had it. Their ancestors' tenements in old New York were as bad as any slave quarters, probably worse, but do they whine about it. Actually, they do. They were whining about it just yesterday when they questioned the legitimacy of black anger.

When the New Yorker comes in the mail, I go through it and take in all the cartoons. Sometimes, I cover the captions and substitute "F**k you!" to see if they are even funnier. One cartoon this week has some plutocrats sitting around wondering whether there is an "upper class" in heaven. This got me to thinking that there could well be a class system in heaven. But the rich bastards won't be in the upper class unless they were major philanthropists in life. The poor in spirit, the meek, the peacemakers, the faithful and loving will have lots of treasures in heaven, and guys like me might get to wash their heavenly cars if we are lucky. Rich folks might not ven be there, what with its being easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, yadda yadda yadda.

Someone asked me whether I reckoned the Beijng Olympics should be boycotted because the Chinese government is so oppressive. That should be up to individuals, in my view. The government shouldn't make that decision for athletes and Olympic Committees and individuals. If you feel strongly about the matter and reckon that taking action concerning the Olympics will make a difference or a measningful statement, then by all means boycott the games. For my part, I will not be competing this year, so don't even ask me. I never follow the games, because they don't interest me. I can't stand it that athletes are grouped by nation-state, and I would prefer it if they just competed as individuals or for their home towns or some such thing.

Bill Maher made a good point on MSNBC about McCain when he said that McCain wasn't stronger, just dumber. Seriously, McCain seems to be proud of his ignorance of foreign affairs, and he makes one blunder after another. I suspect that he's trying to convince th dumbasserate that he is one of them. For once, the talk really is straight, since McCain genuinely is a dumbass.

I caught a glimpse of a headline that screamed that Hillary Clinton was "IN THE WHITE HOUSE ON STAINED BLUE DRESS DAY"!!!!!! First off, I would like to see Stained Blue Dress Day recognized as a national holiday. Secondly, unless you have evidence that Hillary was involved in a three way with Bill and Monica on Stained Blue Dress Day, then I don't really care where she was. I take it back, I don't want to know about the three way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"My conspecifics' ancestors almost died when their tater crop failed, and you don't hear them whining about how hard they had it. Their ancestors' tenements in old New York were as bad as any slave quarters, probably worse, but do they whine about it."

Hundred percent agree with that feeling!