Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Last time I flew I got a kick out of the in flight catalog and some of the items that were offered. One was a computerized water bottle that would help you "track your hydration goals". I usually just look at the bottle and see how much is left and compare that to how much I figured on drinking, but then I'm old fashioned. I don't really have a formal "hydration" plan. When I get thirsty, I consume liquids. I suppose if I had a plan, I would be able to hydrate more optimally.

I am way behind the curve when it comes to hydration. From watching TV I have learned that my water might have calories and that it might not even be clear. It could have all kinds of crap in it (flavors, vitamins, coloring, electrolytes, what have you) and still be "water". Who knew?

I have been toying with developing my own line of waters. One I call "Energy Water" contains a supersaturation of sugar. I have been putting this in the hummingbird feeder but I'm now thinking of marketing it to humans. Another product I have invented is heated and then forced through ground up coffee beans. This gives it a rich flavor and a jolt of caffeine and can be drunk hot or cold. Another product I often make for my own hydration process involves adding a measure of scotch or bourbon whiskey to the base compound.

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