Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Clinton Courting the Dumbasserate

I don't know much about Philly, except that they make a mean steak sandwich, or Pittsburgh, except that they like their steaks almost raw, but I do know about the rest of Pennsylvania. I married a former Pennsylvanian and have had the misfortune to visit there many times and to know Mrs Vache Folle's idiot relatives who still live there. Here's the plain blunt truth. The middle of Pennsyvania is completely overrun by dumbasses. If by some genetic miracle a non-dumbass is born in middle Pennsylvania (let's call it Pennsyltucky), they will move out as soon as they can thereby maintaining the predominance of the dumbass strain.

And one thing that dumbasses believe with all their hearts, if they are white or white-ish, is that the only reason they aren't successful is that black guys got all the breaks. To Dumbassus pennsyltuckianus, black guys have all the luck because there is a huge quota system designed to make sure that black guys get ahead and that white dumbasses stay down. Seriously, they believe this and say it out loud all the time. If a black guy gets ahead, it can't possibly be on the merits because every dumbass knows that there are white guys out there, and plenty of them, who are smarter and way more qualified than that black guy could possibly be, what with his being a black guy and all.

This is the constituency to which Hillary Clinton aims to appeal when her surrogate Geraldine Ferraro says that Barry Obama is an affirmative action case. Clinton needs the dumbass vote to win big in Pennsyltucky, and she reckons that pointing out that Obama is a black guy who, ipso facto, doesn't deserve any of his credentials will boost her cred among the dumbasserate. The irony is that she didn't need to have anybody say this, because the dumbasses already feel this way without any prodding. I suppose that Clinton worries that the dumbasses view voting for Obama or telling people that they voted for Obama as a way to show that they aren't really racist after all. Not to worry, Hillary. Dumbasses don't know that they are racists and, therefore, don't know that they need to change their image. So Clinton takes the calculated risk of alienating the non-dumbasses outside of Pennsyltucky to squeeze out every advantage in the Commonwealth. Bold move, but really gratuitous. Smacks of desperation.

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