Monday, August 18, 2008

Songbird Sucks

Did Songbird cheat in the Saddleback Church forum? Of course, he did. Why else would he have conveniently failed to arrive in order to enter the "cone of silence" on time? That he reckoned that he had to cheat when he was playing to his own core constituency speaks volumes about Songbird's character, or lack thereof. And his lackey's instant deployment of the POW card in defense of Songbird tells me that there is no doubt at all that he cheated and listened to the questions and O'Bama's responses beforehand.

Songbird, like all "heros", is reluctant to talk about his POW experiences except on days ending in the letter 'y', in which case it's all he talks about. It renders him immune to all criticism, and you have to preface every critical statement with some bullshit about how you honor his service, yadda yadda yadda, but he's still a douche. I don't honor his service one bit. He was a Naval aviator, not exactly the most dangerous occupation in the Vietnam War. He dropped bombs from far away on who knows what targets. This was an endeavor that had no bearing whatsoever on the national security of the United States. He volunteered to do it and got paid for his services. Getting shot down is a bummer, but it's not necessarily heroic. Getting injured in the crash is also a bummer but not heroic. Getting captured and flogged are bummers, but not heroic. Singing like a bird in captivity and accepting favors from your captors? Not heroic. It was unfortunate that Songbird had these experiences, and he merits our sympathy, but they don't make him a hero. If he would stop whining about it for two minutes, that might make it seem more heroic.

Songbird has been sucking on the government teat since the day he was born in Panama. He will continue to suck on it until the day he dies whether he wins this election or not.

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