Thursday, August 21, 2008

Freedom is Security and Order; Disorder is Counter-Revolutionary

After the Revolution, in order to insure that anarchy, which is desirable, does not descend into chaos, which is not, it will be necessary for the Revolutionary Cadre to take steps to maintain order and security. Contrary to the Rumsfeldian view that freedom is messy, it will be a primary principle of the Revolution that Freedom is Order and that disorder, especially when it disturbs the peace, is counter-revolutionary. To enact this Principle, it will be necessary to inculcate it in the minds of every citizen from infancy and to make Order an aspect of objective reality such that it reinforces the Principle in people through practice.

To this end, it will be necessary for the Party to maintain continuous surveillance and monitoring of public activities to prevent and punish violence and disturbances of the public peace, if necessary employing force to do so. The means of doing violence must be, as far as is practicable, limited to the Party and its Safety Patrols. Safety Patrols should be ubiquitous and intolerant of disturbances and crimes. They will appear to those with Right Revolutionary Principles as Guardians of the Revolution and a bastion against authoritarian counter-revolutionaries and suproletarian criminal elements.

It will likewise be necessary to maintain a force adequate to protect the Revolution from counter-revolutionary elements abroad and to export the Revolution to such other territories as may be yearning for the Blessings of Freedom. This force will guard the borders and project the power of the Revolutionary Cadre throughout the world. No counter-revolutionary power must be permitted to attain superiority. Naturally, intelligence gathering and diplomatic efforts will have to be funded and manned.

To win the hearts and minds of youth, it will be vital to maintain a system of mandatory indoctrination centers in which young minds can be inculcated with Right Revolutionary Principles and unquestioned loyalty to the Cadre and Party. This will be costly but will reduce the costs of maintaining order over time as the Revolutionary Man and Woman are created and mature into citizens who know how to exercise freedom responsibly, that is according to Revolutionary Principles and in furtherance of Revolutionary Goals.

Of course. none of these requirements for maintaining the stateless society will be free of cost, but the Cadre and Party will limit its extractions from the citizenry to only so much of their wealth and incomes as is absolutely necessary to carry out these core functions for their benefit. Moreover, it must be the policy of the Cadre to ensure that extractions from the citizenry do not exceed what is optimal and do not provide disincentives to productivity that in turn reduce revenues for vital services and functions.

To ensure Freedom, citizens must surrender a small part of their liberty to the Cadre. They must learn to distinguish between Freedom and counter-revolutionary license.


Anonymous said...

Is there someplace I can sign up to be first against the wall?

Vache Folle said...

Thanks, Mike. It will also be necessary to keep a list, and it is helpful if freedom loving citizens will turn themselves in voluntarily.