Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Wherein I Claim to be Multiculural

I am a multiculturalist. I embrace diversity. As a lover of freedom, I can’t have it any other way.

If people are free to pursue happiness as they see fit, they will doubtless follow different paths and come up with different results. No two of us are alike. At some point the differences between any two people might add up to what one might consider different “cultures”. This point is arbitrary, and the line will be drawn differently by different people depending on what they are trying to accomplish and whether they want to exclude or include. If you want to look for it, you can always find more in common with another human being than differences. If you want to distance yourself from another person, you can always highlight and privilege some difference.

I aim to love my neighbors whether or not they embrace all my religion, heritage, traditions or values. I wish them all the best in the practice and celebration of their own faith, heritage, traditions and values, and I hope that I can learn from them.

The only thing I do not tolerate is aggression.

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