Thursday, June 15, 2006

What's the Difference Between an Unannounced Cop and a Home Invader?

Cops still have to knock and announce, but if they don’t the evidence will not be excluded. According to the Supreme Court, your remedy is a civil suit. Earlier courts who came up with the exclusionary rule realized how idiotic it is to think that a potential suit will deter a cop from wrongdoing. Of course, cops should keep in mind that some folks will shoot home invaders, and a cop who has not properly announced himself is a home invader. I wouldn’t convict anyone who shot a home invader if I were on a jury, would you?


Joe Crow said...

Didn't work for Cory Maye, did it? Doesn't matter if the cop bursts in unannounced, if the cop is trying to rob you, or if the cop is trying to kill you. If you shoot a cop, you get killed. Even if, by some absolute miracle, some jury finds you innocent, and the judge doesn't immediately overturn the verdict, you better move to another state, change your name, and never even look at another cop again. Hell, how long has Serpico been hiding in Switzerland?

Steve Scott said...

The difference is that an unannounced cop is an agent for those who think they are the ones who own your home.

jomama said...

No. I'd give the homeowner a sharpshooter medal and send him home.

Anonymous said...


It is a very nice and good post and I like it.