Monday, October 17, 2005

What's Wrong With Pennsylvania?

Mrs Vache Folle hails from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. She is one of the most intelligent and reasonable people on the planet. Apparently, intelligent and reasonable people move out of Pennsylvania as soon as they can (as Mrs VF did). I feel confident in saying this based on one fact: Senator Rick Santorum. Pennsylvanians elected him; therefore, the majority of Pennsylvanians must be idiots.

It's not as if he were a Congresscritter elected from some backwater district in a process almost guaranteed to produce the nuttiest candidates possible. Santorum was elected by the whole Commonwealth in a statewide election. Santorum is among the nuttiest of the wingnuts, as nutty as one of those 55 gallon drums of mixed nuts that you can get at Costco or Sam's Club. He is so nutty and presumably so confident of the nuttiness of his constituents that he feels free to wax philosophical in public and reveal that his is a 13th Century mindset. Santorum is up for a vote next year and is not polling so well lately, but I am confident that Pennsylvanians will, when push comes to shove, go nuts and reelect him.

What's up with Pennsylvania?

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