Thursday, October 06, 2005

Rebuilding New Orleans

Occasionally, some of my conspecifics debate how, or even whether, "we" should rebuild New Orleans. I never take sides in this because my position is that I really should not have any say in the matter. As far as I am concerned, the property owners get to decide what they do with their property. Individuals get to decide whether they want to live in New orleans or run businesses there. If some central planners/social engineers get too much involved, boondoggles will be certain to follow, and a few well connected businessmen and politicians will line their pockets and build up political points at everyone's expense. My conspecifics are appalled at my view because leaving rebuilding up to individuals will be chaotic and messy, say they.

What should the new New Orleans look like? To me, it should evolve through the operation of countless individual decisions without any overlord's imposing a grand design. Is there an overlord out there who is all knowing and able to design a city for maximum happiness? I doubt it, but I am sure that there are lots of folks who think their own vision of a perfect city fits the bill. What we are likely to see is a city designed in large part by political means, and individuals minding their own business will be forced to take these political decisions into account in making their own plans.

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