Thursday, September 27, 2007

Rudy Giuliani: Pussy-whipped or Scared Witless of Judy?

What is Rudy Giuliani trying to say by taking cell phone calls from his wife du jour in the middle of speeches he is giving? Surely it’s not “I am a douchebag”, because the whole world has surely gotten that message loud and clear by now. Perhaps “I despise the people I am addressing” is more on the mark, because it’s pretty freaking rude to chat on the cell phone with the old lady while the audience twiddles its thumbs awkwardly. I’d have thought everyone knew that Rudy despised them by now. He hates all living things.

Maybe he is trying to establish that he is now pussy-whipped beyond redemption and that his skirt chasing days are behind him. That’ll satisfy the religious right….not. It’s not enough to be a faithful monogamist; you have to wear the pants in the family, too. Rudy does not get the family values thing at all if this is what he’s trying to communicate.

Maybe he’s trying to soften up his image and appeal to the ladies.

Maybe his wife is crazy and he’s afraid of her. Hell, she’s calling him in the middle of speeches for no damn reason! Didn’t she kill puppies for a living or something like that? Better take her call, Rudy.

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