Friday, September 28, 2007


I am really tired of outrage-mongers and the business of manufacturing outrage. It comes from both left and right, although the right has made it an art form in the last few years. Criticize a military man? Outrageous! Say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas? Outrageous! Call some women nappy headed hos? Outrageous! The Iranian president questions the Holocaust? Outrageous!

For crying out loud, none of these things is outrageous. They might be offensive to some people here and there, but there’s no telling when somebody might take offense. But outrageous they ain’t.

In case people need something to get worked up about but don’t know when to be outraged, I’m going to list some things that really are outrages but which aren’t treated as such in the media:

That upwards of a million civilians have been killed in Iraq thanks to an immoral and illegal war waged by a neocon death cult.

That thousands of deluded American service members, who mostly signed up to defend their country, have been killed or maimed for no good reason.

That the neocon death cult is even now contemplating launching a pre-emptive war on Iran and that Congress isn’t doing anything about it.

That thousands of Americans languish in prison because of unjust drug laws and that police all over America invade homes and kill American subjects to enforce those laws.

That the Bush regime has repeatedly violated the Constitution and usurped power while Congress does nothing to stop it.

That the federal government has loaded the next generation with a burden of odious debt to pay for its adventures.

That human beings are detained and tortured by the regime.

That Christianist warmongers continually blaspheme against Jesus by calling for murder in His name.

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