Thursday, November 10, 2005

War on Christmas

Seriously, does anyone believe for a minute that Christmas is under assault and that wingnut whining about this is other than complete claptrap? The evidence cited most often, it seems to me, is the use of the phrase "Happy Holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas". Note to wingnuts: one says "Merry Christmas" on Christmas day only, and it is not proper to say Merry Christmas on other days, such as November 10, for example. There is a "holiday season" that includes Christmas, and it is perfectly cromulent to express the wish that this season be happy for someone without denigrating Christmas. Also, among strangers or in business dealings, one does not always know whether one is addressing a celebrant of Christmas or some other festival, be it Festivus, Kwanza, the Festival of Lights, Yule, the birth of Mithra, or the Saturnalia. It is only polite to take this into account. Hey, Wingnut, how would you like it if every store clerk wished you a Jolly Mithra's Birthday for two months a year after every purchase?

I almost wish that someone would roll Christmas back a little. It seems to me that the oft decried commercialization of the holiday has continued unabated and that Christ is all but forgotten. Now wingnuts are coopting the holiday to make some asinine political point and divide people in ways that Jesus would not have condoned. Far from saving Christmas, they are profaning it all the more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have some very good only thought is it should be ILLEGAL to start decorating stores just after halloween...Thanksgiving is the start of the holiday season in my heart!