Monday, June 25, 2007

Vacation's Over

I had a fun and relaxing week at Virginia Beach, even with the kid. I have to admit that he was not all that bad, but spending a week with him still validated my decision to live childfree or die.

We did the usual stuff. I got a massage at the Edgar Cayce Center. It was a little unusual in that I have never before had my brow ridges or belly fat massaged. I noted in the waiting room that one of the Cayce Center’s axioms was “Be the change you want to see.” I mulled that one over for a couple of days, and it’s still rattling around in my mind. I don’t really even know what changes I want to see, so I don’t know what to be.

I have been way too complacent and seem to have embraced mediocrity.

The company I work for is on the block. The future is uncertain. I could be out of a job in a few months. Now I wish I hadn’t sunk all that money in new bathrooms. The bastards in management knew about this for months and kept it from the employees. I don’t believe anything they say anymore.

Maybe this will be the kick in the pants I need. Or maybe it will lead to ruination. I could turn to the bottle and take up the life of a drifter, something I had planned on doing back when I was a teenager before I got sidetracked with college and law school and jobs and such like. Maybe I will get another pointless, soul destroying corporate gig. Maybe I’ll move to West Virginia and hang out a shingle. I’m a pretty good fry cook, so I’ve always got that going for me.

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