Friday, April 27, 2007

Listen to Your Body

I didn't listen to my body. It was telling me that something was wrong with my left knee and that maybe I shouldn't keep running and cranking out reps on the leg machines. I was determined to work through the pain and ignore it until it went away. It didn't go away. It got worse. My body started screaming at me. The swelled up, and I could hardly walk. Then I fell down the hill and injured the other side of the same knee.

The orthopod, who might just be the worst doctor I have ever consulted in terms of communicating with patients, reckons I have injured the collateral ligaments. He didn't tell me this. I had to look up the diagnostic code on the internets. I had an MRI last week, and in a couple of hours I will get the results. Meanwhile, I have been on this excellent NSAID meloxicam and can walk pretty well and even muck around in the pond moving silt. I can't run a lick, though.

I hope I don't want surgery what with being a huge physical coward and all. Needless to say, this injury has been a setback in my hunkification program. I suppose I'm lucky that I made it this far without a serious knee injury.

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