Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Draft the Chickenhawks!

My hero Wm Norman Grigg explains how a true patriot should hope for the defeat of the US government in Iraq: http://freedominourtime.blogspot.com/2007/04/why-regime-must-lose-in-iraq.html

For one thing, if the government does not lose, it will be emboldened to embark on even more adventures.

I have read from time to time wingnut complaints about how opponents of war seem to them to sympathize with the “enemy” or to delight in the deaths of US forces. One need not sympathize with the foes of the US government to regard defeat in an ill conceived war of aggression as the best thing for one’s country and for one’s own interests. One need not wish for casualties or delight in them. In fact, I know of no opponent of the war who actually wishes soldiers to come to harm.

In fact, most opponents of war want the soldiers out of harm’s way immediately. The warmongers want them to continue to risk life and limb. Which side has the soldiers’ interests at heart?

The “chickenhawk” argument really resonates with me, and Grigg reports that it was used to good effect by Edmund Burke. I reckon that it is perfectly fair to challenge promoters of war, who claim that it is necessary for the common good, on why they do not enlist or why they have not encouraged their children to enlist in the military. If it is so damned important for the country as they say and if they are as patriotic as they claim to be, they should sign up right now and volunteer for duty in Iraq. If they are not fit for duty, because they are doughy pantloads, for example, they should make themselves fit or volunteer to serve in Iraq in some civilian position.

Tbogg points out that Mitt Romney has five sons, all of whom are of an age to serve, but that Romney has not encouraged any of them to enlist, despite Romney’s support for the war: thttp://tbogg.blogspot.com/2007/04/five-not-for-fighting-willard-mitt.html Seriously, Romney should be made to explain himself.

And warmongering Nebraska AG Jon Bruning who wants to unseat Chuck Hagel because of Hagel’s opposition to the war, is only 38 years old and eligible to serve: http://tbogg.blogspot.com/2007/04/innocents-not-abroad-but-dog-would-miss.html If he thinks the war is so important, why doesn’t he fight in it?

Chickenhawks are not fit for office. Bush and Cheney, chickenhawks extraordinaire, are prime examples.


Steve Scott said...

If it's so important to them, why do they even need to join the military? Mercinary freedom fighters will foot their own bill without having to use tax money. And we all know what conservatives believe about that.

Anonymous said...

I really didn't know much about Sen. Hagel, the more I read the more I liked. I read one column in particular that, though brief, really hit home. For me as a republican, Hagel would be the ideal candidate.

Here is the link to the column

Thank you for allowing me to comment

and here is another column on the same site mr. tough guy should read
