Monday, November 13, 2006

New Veep?

Some of my conspecifics were speculating that Dick Cheney is going to resign to spend more time with his shotgun and that he will be picking up his Medal of Freedom in a few months. That way, the GOP can install a new Veep who will have a leg up in the 2008 race. My conspecifics were talking Rudy Guiliani or John McCain, but I reckon that the new Veep will not so much benefit from the office but will have the stink of the Bush debacle all over him or her. It has the benefit of wiping away the stigma of Senate service, but what could be more difficult to overcome than being tagged with the Bush legacy going into '08? If they are counting on Bush turning it around and getting some luster in the next two years, they would be real gamblers.

Bush isn't going to pick anyone who will outshine him or try to dominate him like Cheney. Look where that got him so far. And a candidate who thinks he has a real shot is not going to want to bet on Bush. If Cheney resigns, I reckon the slot could go to some wingnut Senator who just lost his Senate seat, say George Allen or Rick Santorum. The Veepidency couldn't hurt them all that much. This might get Bush some cred with the wingnut base by nominating one of their own, even if they come out looking insane in their confirmation hearings. And the major contenders probably wouldn't feel threatened by these guys.

If I were going to pull off such a ploy, I'd wait until I knew more about the field and which way the wind was blowing.

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