Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Cunning Plan

It was traffic hell last night. It was one of those evenings where the darkness, rain, low visibility, wet leaves, idiot New York drivers and massive puddles on the parkway made the commute an absolute stomach churning, teeth gnashing nightmare. By the time I got home after 2.5 hours on the devil's parkway, I couldn't imagine getting back in the car to go to the gym. So I did the next best thing. I made myself a vodka tonic. A tall one. Three actually. After the third, it hit me that I had misinterpreted the election.

Rove is a genius after all. Bush was being held back by the GOP Congress and Cheney and the neocons, so he devised a cunning plan worthy of Baldrick to throw the election to the Democrats. That's why Bush was out campaigning despite his enormous unpopularity and saying such asinine things about the Democrats, Iraq, the universe, everything. He was working to get the neocon/GOP Congress monkey off his back. Maybe now that he has some problem solvers in the Democratic Congress to work with, this will be his chance to shine and salvage his legacy.

It sounded more plausible last night on my mini-bender. Have a few drinks and then reread this post, and you'll see what I mean.

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