Friday, November 03, 2006

Base Plus Fraud Enough to Keep GOP Entrenched and Other Random Stuff

I won’t be surprised if the GOP holds onto both houses of Congress next week. They have their demented base and can steal some key elections by manipulating electronic voting machines and engaging in more old-fashioned forms of election fraud. What’s to stop them?

Did a prominent gay baiting pastor of a Colorado megachurch pay a gay prostitute for sex over the last three years? I sure hope so. There’s nothing more fun than a self -righteous blowhard getting his comeuppance.

Waterboarding isn’t torture? Then why was a Japanese interrogator sentenced to 15 years of hard labor after WW2 for waterboarding Allied POWs?

Some songs that pretty much suck might have a chance of being tolerable if they were done in a different genre. Don McLean’s “I Love You Too Much to Ever Start Liking You” is not bad as a calypso tune, for example. Contemporary “country” ballads whined out by male singers cannot be redeemed by a genre change, however. Nothing can save them from sucking.

Is it possible to enjoy professional football if you don’t have money on the game? If so, what’s the secret?

I have eaten sensibly for over a week now and went to the gym five times in the previous week for weight training and jogging on a treadmill. I’ve lost about three pounds. I actually look forward to the gym and am already feeling more fit. I’m hitting the red wine, too, since it is supposed to counteract the effects of obesity.

When I was a kid, almost all men wore hats outside. How come we don’t wear hats so much anymore, aside from slobs in sideways ball caps and ersatz cowboys in ten gallon hats? Of course, back in the day everybody dressed up more in public. My mother would not have dreamed of going to the supermarket in sweat pants. Actually, I have become more likely to try to be presentable now that we live in the exurbs. I am more likely to run into someone I know out here than in the city.

My father’s birthday is Guy Fawke’s Day. I am thankful that he is still with us.


Steve Scott said...

Regarding dressing up in public, when I was a kid my mom applied her lipstick to get the paper off the front porch or the mail out of the mailbox.

Anonymous said...

Enjoying football w/o having money on the game is easy, long as the game involves a team and/or player you either really like or really hate.

For example: I can't stand Michael Vick. If the Falcons play I root for their opponent, if only because I want to see him "jacked up" as the ESPN guys would say.