Tuesday, September 12, 2006

It's Time to Get Over 9/11

I didn’t hear Bush speak last night. I am just not interested in what he has to say, and exposure to his face and voice makes me queasy. I also avoided any of the “five years later” memorials. Our church held one, and I hope it was about healing and forgiveness rather than about fanning the flames of fear and anger. Mrs Vache Folle was inconvenienced yesterday on the train by the presence of legions of volunteer firefighters from the sticks en route to Manhattan to bask in the glow of vicarious 9/11 victimhood and to ensure themselves that they were still heroes. She told me her step-father, the full time War World War II veteran, was involved in a VFW 9/11 memorial. What the VFW on the Jersey shore has to do with 9/11 is a mystery to me, but those old vets never pass up a chance to don their garrison caps and remind us of how they are the “greatest generation”.

Seriously, if you weren’t at the World Trade Center when it was destroyed, if you didn’t lose a loved one there, or if you weren’t somehow personally impacted by the events of 9/11/01, it is time for you to get over it. If you are fearful because of 9/11, you are being irrational. As the Hammer of Truth points out (http://hammeroftruth.com/2006/09/11/nothing-to-fear-but-government-itself/), you are actually more likely to be shot by a cop than you are to be killed by a terrorist. Lightning should scare you more than terrorism. Driving a car should have you in a state of high anxiety because you are many times more likely to be killed in a car accident than to die in a terrorist attack. You need counseling or medication or something to get you past the fear. It doesn’t help that the government and its lapdog media work day and night to keep you scared, but you have to get a hold of yourself. Don’t listen to those clowns!

You say you are more angry than scared? Since you can’t do anything to reverse the tragedy, and you can’t do anything to bring about vengeance, your anger is just going to make you crazy. Let it go. As hard as it is, you have to try to get out from under the weight of the anger and forgive the maniacs who brought down those buildings. Otherwise, you will be miserable. You will support irrational lashing out at uninvolved third parties out of frustration. Your country will suffer because you sign on to a misguided “War on Terror” and elect evil and incompetent people to high office because they promise to “do something”. They’re “doing something” alright, but it isn’t helping to bring the maniacs and their co-conspirators to justice. You are being played, so get a grip on yourself.

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