Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Improved Draft

Lew Rockwell reports that Jack Murtha is calling for conscription:
I am adamantly opposed to conscription, but if the draft is reinstated, I have some ideas on how to make it work better for America.

First, let youngsters be drafted in accordance with their parents’ net worth. The wealthier your parents are, the earlier you go, and there are no exemptions or exceptions. This plan will help to insure that we have fewer wars since the ruling elites who decide on these things will be risking their own spawn rather than other people’s kids. Moreover, this is the fairest draft since those who benefit most from war will be fighting it.

Another alternative is to draft social security recipients. Folks in their sixties and seventies are more fit than ever nowadays, and combat can be made less physically demanding to accommodate older troops. Older troops reduce costs since they won’t be getting social security while they get military pay, they have less time after their service to collect veterans’ benefits, and if they are killed we save on their social security. Moreover, since they don’t work any longer, their absence from home won’t have much impact on the economy (except the early bird dinner specials will be lightly attended), and if they are killed we won’t be losing a lifetime of work.

A third alternative is to draft federal civilian employees first, and then state, local and municipal employees until requirements are met. As with the old folks, they are not doing anything constructive anyway, so they won’t be missed. Also, they are already feeding from the government trough, and we will save money by redeploying them to the military. If we run out of employees, we can start in on government contractors and lobbyists.


rusticus1773 said...

I heartily agree with the idea that we send the old folks, but for another great reason you forgot: most of them already have battle experience from Viet Nam and/or Korea! Bonus for those that have WWII, Korea AND Viet Nam!

lemme howdt said...

i vote for door number three. can we draft you to run for supreme being in 2008?