Thursday, January 05, 2006

A Few More Mysteries to Ponder

Mrs Vache Folle pointed out that there have been no elevated terror alerts since the election in 2004. Does this mean that the threat has been neutralized? If so, why all the continued hysteria about what a dangerous world we live in?

James Wolcott has taken to calling warbloggers "bedwetters". The attacks on the WTC scared the piss out of them and they have been running around in a panic ever since. What can parents do to make sure that their children don't grow up to be such nervous nellies? Does this explain why so few of the warbloggers have enlisted for service in the cause they promote?

What happened to popular music? Rap, which I never enjoyed personally, at least used to be subversive. Now it, and other hip hop offerings, seem like so much prolefeed. The same goes for the other genres (except bluegrass, of course). Where can I find some subversion? Where can I find a singable melody?

What is the attraction of Nascar? I am a southerner and am supposed to like stock car racing, but I just can't get into it. Would it help if I worked on my own car?

Whatever happened to those Sunshine raisin biscuits? You know, the thin rectangular cookies with gooey raisin paste in the middle. They came already stale. Mrs Vache Folle likes them, but I can't find them in the stores.

I heard that Sir Elton John got married to a man. This is supposed to undermine my own marriage to a woman, but so far nothing. When am I supposed to feel the effects of gay marriage on my own relationship? How will I recognize them? Does one of the gay couple have to touch one of us to pass on the negative impact of gay marriage?

Who buys records by or attends concerts of Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, or those other similar young women whose names escape me? It seems to me that they are children's entertainers, like Barney or the Power Rangers. Why aren't the Power Rangers in US Magazine?

Do you have to be a jackass to get on Trading Spouses?

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