Monday, April 24, 2006

Let's Do the Wall Right

To my post about pyramids the other day, jomama
commented that the proposed wall along the Mexican border might be a similar American monument. I had always assumed the wall would just be a crappy fence of some kind, but I am beginning to think that our American pharaoh has a chance with the wall to ensure his posterity. Let’s face it, Bush’s actual performance in office is not going to look any better with the passage of time, but if he builds the Great Wall of Bush his glory will be magnified for millennia.

The way I see it, the GWoB has got to be a massive stone and masonry wall and built to last. It should be visible from earth orbit and make the Great Wall of China or Hadrian’s Wall look piddling in comparison. It should be higher and wider than any wall of its ilk ever was. In the middle of the wall, let’s have the Tomb of GW Bush. And at intervals along the GWoB, we could entomb past pharaohs who don’t already have spectacular burial places. Grant could stay put, for example, but we would need to dig up and rebury a lot of the other guys. These reburials could be great occasions of state and mark completion of stages of the GWoB. All the libraries of the various pharaohs might be placed with their bodies in their tombs together with their mummified pets and bejeweled simulacra of the symbols of their office. They will need these in hell.

The sides of the GWoB should be festooned with friezes and such like depicting the glorious deeds of the pharaohs. Of course, Bush’s frieze would mainly be about starting the GWoB and would be known as the Wall Within the Wall. A section might be devoted to inscribing the names of the army of martyrs who have been sacrificed at the altar of Bushian “policy”. This would have the added benefit of providing employment to a legion of artists and supporting the development of a school of heroic art that glorifies the state and its leaders.

Boy, will this project stimulate the economy or what?! I figure it will take decades to complete and cost trillions of dollars. A lot of the work will have to be done by Mexican labor, of course, but the workers won’t have to come very far to get their jobs. Whole towns will probably spring up on the basis of GWoB money. Everybody wins. Mexicans get work, and Americans get the Ninth Wonder of the World.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude... I'm loving it! Keep on bloggin!!