Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Fighting the Despair Squid

BW Richardson assesses the mood of the libertarian blogosphere:

I have to confess that I have been fighting off despair for the last few weeks. Things keep getting worse, and I wonder if there is any peaceful way to get the free society I long for. My conspecifics don’t seem to care much about freedom and are content to be governed good and hard.

That said, I am a pretty happy guy. I have a wonderful wife, I love my dogs, I enjoy my church community, and I enjoy my home. I tolerate my job fairly well. I take great pleasure in my food and drink, in books and music, in singing in the choir, in tending my garden, in playing with the dogs. I am still on my mainstream media fast, so I avoid that toxic drivel. Soon, I will give up TV altogether and spend my idle hours outside until almost bedtime. I can almost forget about the damned government from time to time.

So I heed the admonition to cheer up. Things could be worse. I can’t do much about the mess the country is in, so I have to make the best of the things I can control. As BW says, I am still free in my heart.

1 comment:

B.W. Richardson said...

THAT'S why your blog has had so many intriguing thoughts lately - you've freed your mind from the MSM toxic drivel. I oughtta try that ... after 24 and American Idol are done for the season of course ...