Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Decider

The President called himself the “Decider” the other day. I bet he was really thinking “Dictator”. He claims dictatorial powers, and his goons and apologists claim that it is treasonous to question or criticize the Dictator/Decider/Commander/Fuehrer/Epithet of the Day.

If I acknowledged the legitimacy of the US “government”, I would have to concede that the Decider lawfully gets to decide whether to sack Rummy. Firing the old fellow would be like rebuking himself. But you just know Bush thinks he is the Decider of everything, the Decider and Commander in Chief whose will is law. But even under the “government’s” own rules, Bush’s authority to decide and to command is restricted, and I bet that just eats him up inside.

He can’t lawfully command me to do squat, for example, and if he summoned me to the White House I would not go. He is not welcome on my property, and he can’t lawfully enter it. He can’t lawfully decide all that much, either. Much of his authority comes from Congress, and what Congress gives it can take. Much else that he decides is subject to review by the courts or requires a court order to implement lawfully. Bush hates that.

On Air America, I heard a recording of that gluttonous windbag Bill Bennett arguing that it is criminal to publish material “against the president’s wishes”. He was reacting to the Pulitzer Prizes. As Rachel Maddow pointed out in her commentary, the “president’s wishes” are the least relevant consideration in deciding whether something should be published. Bush’s wishes are not law. He is not sovereign of anything but himself.

Bite me, Decider. I wouldn't let you decide where to go to lunch.

1 comment:

B.W. Richardson said...

I noticed that "Decider" thing, too. I guess being president means you get to make up words. I think you're on to something, though. We definitely have a problem here.