Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Supporting the Troops

Knappster, at ( explains how you can oppose the war in Iraq and also support the troops. I had this figured as a no-brainer, but apparently there are some pinheads who can't wrap their minds around the idea that the war and the warriors are not the same thing.

I am utterly opposed to the war, but I do not blame the troops for the war and wish them no harm. In fact, I regard it as support for the troops to advocate for their return home. It is not supportive of the soldiers to call for continued war and to advocate keeping them in harm's way for a moment longer. I suppose some soldiers may want to engage in more combat to advance their careers or for the adventure of the thing, and I do not support such individuals in this desire.

Having served in the armed forces, I realize that most of the soldiers and marines signed up because they were led to believe that they would be fighting to defend their country. This is especially true of the guard and reserve forces who probably never expected to be used in such an irresponsible manner. I was duped in my day, and I reckon the majority of the soldiers and marines in Iraq are dupes as well. Young and foolish and looking for adventure, we took the king's shilling and signed on for God knows what. We f****d up; we trusted the state. I can't blame them for this, and I reckon a lot of them are getting a big dose of disillusionment right now. I hope they live to apply it to making this a better country when they get home.

Do I "support" the troops? I pray for them every day to come home soon safely and to survive with their souls intact. I don't sport a ribbon on my car or anything, and I have never sent a care package. I advocate every day for peace, and I think that I have influenced a handful of people in my circle to oppose the war and call for the troops to come home.

Those who claim that you must support the war to support the troops are just exploiting, not supporting, the troops.

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