Wednesday, June 29, 2005

More on Pork and Making Trade Count

In my post on pork, I forgot to mention another good pork experience. Barbadian breaded and deep fried pork chops are fabulous and worth a trip to Barbados or even Brooklyn to get them.

It turns out that there are a couple of places in Dutchess County that feature free range pork, and I hope I can get there in the next month to stock up on goodies. I am just beginning to become aware that all around me are farmers' markets and cooperatives and other businesses that reflect my stated values and that would fulfill my preferences far better than the chain supermarkets and big box warehouse stores. If I want these businesses to prosper (and I do), I had better patronize them even if it involves a little more effort on my part.

The trouble is that time is so precious. As a drone with a longish commute, it is hard for me to do any trading during the week. Weekends are already full of chores.

I hope that trade at the farmers markets and farms will be more fun than the usual tiresome trip to the A&P. I have to keep reminding myself how valuable a good ham would be (let gluttony tiumph over sloth) and how good it will feel to make my trade count toward sustaining the kind of community I would like to inhabit. I rant a lot about how impotent we all are in the face of power and privilege and vulgarity, but I am beginning to understand that I have some power and influence arising from my choices as a consumer. I used to hate thinking of myself as a consumer, but I am starting to see that a consumer has a lot more influence than a citizen. If consumption can be seen as something that sustains community and permits me to enact my values, perhaps consumption can become less of a chore and more of a social activity.

I don't think this is irrational, but I don't care if it is.

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