Thursday, June 30, 2005

Bad Local Government/Whitfield County, Georgia Style

I have been following comments on the Kelo decision and how the takings clause of the Constitution was never meant to apply to the states. Stephan Kinsella has written a longish article on a "libertarian" defense of Kelo ( As I understand the argument, it is "libertarian" to insist that the federal government recognize and respect limits to its power. For some reason, it is preferable to have the states exercise power instead of the feds. I have begun to question whether there is any point in a libertarian's getting behind the whole Constitution in Exile movement, since there is nothing particularly liberating about having powerful and oppressive state and local governments. Statism is the problem, not the way the state is structured.

I know from experience how corrupt and oppressive local government can be, because I grew up in Whitfield County, Georgia. Whitfield County is a lovely place, and relatively prosperous, but it is blighted with an evil and corrupt Sheriff's Department, currently headed by Scott Chitwood. The WCSD has almost always been staffed by men whose laziness and cowardice are matched only by their stupidity and maliciousness. The Drug War has led the WCSD to become involved at times in the drug trade and to provide protection for drug dealers. And even when it is not itself engaged in drug commerce, the Drug War provides the WCSD with a convenient excuse to brutalize, murder and harass the denizens of Whitfield County with impunity.

Not long ago, Deputies Clay Pangle and James Cooley broke into the home of a crippled 85 year old man and shot him to death in the night. They had no warrant, and they claimed to have been responding to an anonymous tip that drugs were in the house. The elderly victim was in his bed and could walk only with the aid of a walker, yet these cowardly deputies felt so threatened by him that they killed him. This is Georgia, and you have to expect that if you invade someone's home they will try to defend themselves. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation recently cleared the deputies of wrongdoing!! The story is referenced here:

Here is a story where the WCSD tasered a woman to death, and Chitwood says none of his thugs will be disciplined:

Moreover, my own family has been harassed and tormented and threatened by WCSD thugs. Not long ago, two WCSD thugs entered my sister's yard and took several shots at her dog which was trying to flee into the woods. They claimed that someone had reported a suspicious prowler, but this was a lie. It was the middle of the day in a rural area where everyone knows one another, and no neighbor owns up to calling the thugs (nobody in their right mind would call them for anything). My sister was called home from work by her neighbor to rescue her dog and get rid of the thugs who acted as if they had every right to enter her property and kill her livestock. I personally think the visit was related to the harassment of my sister's son-in-law.

My nephew-in-law owns a stereo store and makes good living through hard work and business acumen. Deputies Pangle and Cooley, the same cowardly thugs who murdered the old man, broke into the store one night and searched it without a warrant and without any reason to believe that my nephew-in-law had committed any crime. They claimed that they had found the door of the store open and were investigating a possible break in, but they stupidly failed to realize that my nephew-in-law had installed a security camera system and had caught them on tape breaking in and yammering about how they were going to nail him for drugs. So far, Chitwood has taken no action against these bast***s, but the family has retained a vicious trial lawyer. The WCSD has offered $5K to settle the matter so far, but I don't think the family should rest until Pangle and Cooley are off the streets.

Why does Chitwood tolerate Pangle and Cooley when they are clearly a liability and out of control? They must have some leverage over him.

This is local government in action. It is not a libertarian paradise. The good people of Whitfield County tolerate this nonsense and even support the Drug War that gives the WCSD so much cover and so much arbitrary power. Your own neighbors will tax you and regulate you and spy on you and kill you just as readily through local and state government as they will at the federal level. Aside from stealing from me every payday, the feds pretty much leave me alone. It's the Town of East Fishkill, the Carmel School District and the State of New York that hit me where I live and who are most likely to kill me or drive me from my home. It's the City of New London that is crapping all over the Kelo family, not the feds.

I always liked the mantra of "that governs best that governs least", but I don't interpret it as meaning that local is better. It means less scope of government, at any level, is better. Or so say I.

It's the state, stupid! Reorganizing the state won't solve the problem. If you are infected with a parasite, you don't cure yourself by spreading the parasites around your body; you have to destroy the parasites.


James G. said...

Sounds like certain other municipalities of Georgia I could name...

Anonymous said...

hey it isn't just WCSD, the "higher up's" in public works not only treat some of their own employees like low life scum BUT, i know of one case where the guy (if you can call him that) over the mowing crews FAKED a doctors letter saying one man was released to go back to work when he wasn't ...this guy has a very bad spinal and neck injury and did he care about the well being ..NO, he faked the letter and forced him back to work before he ever should have and now this man has been ran out of a job on FAKE charges along with one other ....all so he put a volunteer fireman who is a friend in that spot and put his pay way up ....whitfield county is full of scum at the top of the pond ...the public works or road dept. is needed BUT, not in it's form ...get rid of those who are abusing the system and the men trying to make a living and support their families

Anonymous said...

I must say I have no experience with the WCSO, but the Superior court of Jack Partain and local attorney, Rick Brown, are as full of corruption as possible. Partain on the advice of Brown ruled to give custody of my grandson to his father and taken away from his mother. They are aware that the judges ruling cannot be challenged. No appeal because no court reporter was present. (That I'm sure was on purpose). To rule for the father was without any possible justification. The father has a history of abusing the child as well as a criminal record. Accusations were made by Brown without Partain seeking proof. Anything the attorney for the mother said had to be proven. But Brown did as he pleased. Even disrespecting Partain by calling him Jay while court was in session. That would allow the ruling to be overturned itself. (My own thoughts of Partain are void of any respect only after I saw what he is)! The fact it was held in Whitfield County alone is not understood. The mother lives in Murray County. The father in Gordon County. Rick Brown's office is in Whitfield where Partain has court. Wonder why that was? Now when hearing no appeal because no court recorder we wonder about her attorney who used to be the Whitfield County Prosecutor. In NO way can Partain justify his ruling. Either these professionals are stupid or crooks. The State of Georgia is slap full of corruption. Every small town courthouse is a nest of corrupt liars, thieves and cheats. They wonder why they receive no respect They demand it because of their position. Same as law officers. But they do not understand respect has to be earned and kept. How do you respect someone you know is a liar and a cheat. To stand and use the law to punish one and then ignore the law to benefit themselves or their friends is as low as one can possibly be. I conducted myself for years taking for granted that the judges and the law were just and right would prevail. I've given advice on that belief. What a huge mistake. One thing you can count on is justice has left Georgia and not been here for a long time. Bryan Nichols in Atlanta knew this and done what he had to do to get their attention. They were in the process of killing him so he fought back. One against many. He done what he had to do. He will not get anymore time than he was looking at to start with. He got famous. And the lawyers got richer! (I think there is a law against someone benefiting monetarily from another person's death). But hey these are lawyers. The founding fathers of this great nation were counting on ethics and honor and truth, when they set up our laws. They could not understand what would happen if that was not there. They did not even think a man could do what these lowlifes do. They designed this nation on morals. There are no morals. They have destroyed our system with their greed and selfishness. We are all in a mess because it is only getting worse. When I pass a county courthouse I look to see the scum in the windows. I think about the lies and wrong that is happening in there. Disgusting. The court of Partain, Mr. Toland, Mr. Brown and most of all the father of that precious child take note "You are responsible for his well-being. You have violated the law and placed him in danger. GOD protects HIS children. GOD WILL take care of him and do whatever He has to do to protect him. YOU are responsible. And GOD knows this!