Friday, October 19, 2007

Can We Afford to Take a Chance on Another Male President?

Eugene Robinson in WaPo discusses whether gender is an advantage for Senator Clinton. He points out that she is way ahead among women in polls and surmises that gender must have something to do with it.

Perhaps he is right. All our presidents have been male, and they have all sucked. What did we expect when we elected another male last time? We should have expected more suckitude. I don’t think we should take a chance on another male (other than long shots Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich), so Clinton’s got my support. Too bad she’s white, though. The white presidents haven’t got a very good track record. Then again, they were all male, so we won’t know whether to attribute their crappiness to their whiteness or their maleness until we have tried a woman. If Senator Clinton doesn’t work out, we’ll know that whiteness was the problem, and we can go with a non-white next time.

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