Thursday, May 05, 2005

Route through the Blogosphere

I discovered the libertarian blogosphere entirely by accident, but it is now my lifeline and my main source of on-line news. is the gateway, from which I link to the Mises Institute and its blog. I go down much of the Mises blogroll- Acton, AntiWar, bkMarcus, Brad DeLong, Cantillon's Paradise, Deinonychus, FFF, Gene Callahan, Kinsella (with a side trip to his Daily Apology), Liberty Guys, L&P, Reason H&R, and the LRC Blog. Then I hit James Wolcott on the LRC blogroll and By Neddie Jingo and Tbogg from there. I run through Tbogg's blogroll from the bottom up: World O'Crap, Whiskey Bar, Tom Tomorrow, Jesus' General, Norbizness, Digby, and others if I have time. I have to see if Tim Swanson has anything, and I sometimes check out the Palmer Periscope for kicks.

These provide a pretty balanced view of the world. I eschew any wingnuttery or raving moonbattery and MSM and rely on the bloggers to let me know what tripe spews forth from these quarters. I am smarter by far and much better informed since I began this reading program than I ever was before. I am less depressed and contemptuous of my fellow man.

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