Monday, March 28, 2005

Farewell, Main Stream Media

Since I am no longer in the grade-a demographic, it will hardly matter to the MSM that I have this day officially abandoned it. I pledge that from this day forth I will not, even out of morbid curiosity, turn to any network or cable news program. I may watch local news for weather and traffic and such, but I will never watch CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Fox, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS or any other MSM news program or news magazine. I will get my news from the web and Jon Stewart. This has been a long time in coming, and I have gradually weaned myself from the MSM, mostly because of their ineptitude, their role as shills for the state and corporate interests, and the utter irrelevance of their reportage to my life.

I encourage my imaginary readership to take the pledge and cut the MSM out of their lives altogether. We can pay a few watchdogs to let us know what the boneheads are up to, if we feel as if that is necessary. Maybe an expanded edition of the "Soup" could be set up to mock it. At least try it for a few days and see if you don't feel smarter and happier.

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