Thursday, March 29, 2007

An Open Letter to Michelle and the Bedwetters

Dear Michelle Malkin and the Rest of the Wingnut Bedwetters:

I know John Doe. I have worked with John Doe. John Doe is my friend. You are not John Doe.

The John Doe I know is too courageous to want to turn his country into a police state in order to assuage an irrational fear of terror attacks.

The John Doe I know doesn’t crap himself in fear every time he encounters someone of a swarthy hue or contemplates the existence of Muslim people.

The John Doe I know doesn’t wet the bed each night because he is afraid to go to the bathroom on account of terrorists hiding under the bed.

John Doe you ain’t. John Doe knows that to defeat terror, you have to stop being afraid. And you have to stop trying to make other people afraid. That increases terror, dummy!

You and John Doe? Not the same person. John Doe is not a coward and he is not interested in making bank on other people’s cowardice.

Stop slandering John Doe, Michelle and Bedwetters of your ilk. Stop hurting America.


Vache Folle
Friend of John Doe

1 comment:

Rosemary Welch said...

Dear Vache,
While I am one the people whom you do not understand, I find your post very well put together and thoughtful. Very good job. Have a good day.