Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Recall Bush

In the aftermath of the bungling of the aftermath of Katrina, I have heard some lament that it is a shame that we are stuck with Bush and his gang for three more years. Too bad we don't have a parliamentary system or a recall procedure. We do have one way to get rid of Bush - impeachment. If enough of us signed on to a petition to impeach Bush, even the Republican congresscritters would likely throw Bush to the lions to save their own political skins.

Don't we need some high crimes and misdemeanors to charge the man with? In the first place, we can surely drum up some plausible crimes what with the lying the country into an immoral war and all. Secondly, the Clinton impeachment showed us that you don't really need a high crime or misdeameanor, just the sheer numbers to vote out articles of impeachment. High crimes and misdemeanors seem to be whatever the majority in Congress says they are, so there is no need to quibble over the technical details.

I propose that petitions be circulated demanding that the House issue articles of impeachment and that the Senate convict and remove Bush and Cheney from office forthwith. President Hastert would probably behave himself a little better if he knew that we were already collecting signatures on a petition to oust him as well. Impeachment should be a routine matter, and every future president should have at least one impeachment trial per term. It is hoped that in this manner, presidents will be rendered less powerful and will be distracted from adventurism.


The Humanity Critic said...

Great post. Just passing through, I'm liking your blog by the way.

August Ecklund said...

I love this idea! Impeachment should be a constant threat and every two years the President should be forced to defend his record during an impeachment hearing.

BTW, how did you get the word verification on your comments? It looks like a great way to prevent spam comments.