Friday, October 10, 2008

I Said I Was Freaking, But I'm not Really

My faith has changed me in many ways. The other day, I got stuck in line at the supermarket behind a woman who was using three different food stamp debit cards and cash to pay for her groceries. It took a half hour for her to pay. Before my conversion, I would have been enraged and probably would have been a real douche about the situation. But on that day, I just contented myself to read the tabloids and make sure that I didn't make the poor woman uncomfortable. I also made sure that the cashier and bagger understood that I was content to wait and that I acknowledged their good work on behalf of the woman. The transformation amazes me. I am a different person through the working of the Holy Ghost, and I thank God for it.

I'm not saying that I'm Mother Theresa or deserve an attaboy. Far from the case. I'm just saying that I notice a real difference in my outlook on life. Take the current economic crisis. Even though I have anxiety neurosis and am, in fact, very vulnerable to adverse economic conditions, I'm not worried at all. God will provide, and if he doesn't, it's all part of His plan. I originally intended to be a drifter, you know, and this may be my chance to fulfill my childhood ambition. I am truly content with what I have, whether in plenty or want, and I trust in the Lord and lean not on my own understanding.

Of course, it is possible that I will think differently when I find myself living under an overpass and eating roasted rat. I hope not. I hope that I will be resigned to the will of God and will be a witness to the transforming power of the Holy Ghost.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is really great.