Sunday, August 31, 2008

I Love Dumbasses

When I refer to my conspecifics as dumbasses or the dumbasserate, I do so in a spirit of love. The realization that so many folks are so damned stupid has enabled me to be a lot more forgiving and tolerant of their foibles. They just can't do any better, bless their stupid hearts. I used to have anger issues when I expected too much of my conspecifics and found myself perpetually disappointed. Now I am much calmer and can shrug off dumbassery with a sense of pity rather than anger.

What I have come to learn is that dumbassery is not limited to the left side of the bell curve, as it is usually displayed to illustrate the normal distribution of intelligence. People of average intelligence and even people of above average intelligence up to about 120 IQ points are still dumbasses. Their ability to think abstractly is extremely limited. Humans may be the smartest species on the planet, but they aren't all that smart. You can't take Einstein, Mozart and Turing and consider them examples of humanity. They're outliers. Atypical.

Given that some 75% of humans are dumbasses, it makes sense to assume that strangers who do things that could be considered stupid or evil should be given the benefit of the doubt and regarded as stupid until proven evil. There's no sense in getting angry or frustrated because that's just the way humans are, barely sentient. You might as well be pissed off that they can't breathe underwater or fly without technological aids.

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