Monday, June 11, 2007

Flag Day, Schmag Day

My town has gone all out for Flag Day. In the same way that it hangs wreaths on power poles at Christmas, it puts a USG flag on just about every pole. You aren’t going to get confused about which gang’s territory you are in while driving through East Fishkill.

Why would Flag Day be such a big deal for East Fishkill? No useful town purpose is served by displaying all those flags, and I suspect that someone on the town council owns a flag store. Anyway, it makes me grind my teeth (newly braceless by the way) to think about how money was robbed from me to pay for those damned flags and for personnel to install them and take them down when flag season is over.

It’s officially “National Flag Day” since it is supposed to commemorate the adoption of the national flag in 1777. Since I have stopped believing in the legitimacy of the United States government, I won’t be flying any US flag on Flag Day or any day for that matter. If you see me with a US flag, you’ll also see me with a box of matches.

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